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Showing posts from April, 2018

Flower City Challenge -Half Marathon Recap

If you've been following my Instagram story, you know that I spent this past weekend in Rochester, NY for the Flower City Challenge Half Marathon.  (And if you haven't been following me on Instagram, you should  Follow me! ) This is a race that I've run before, and on any given day this course can be very challenging. I should call this recap Murphy's law.  Anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong during this race.  Nicole wasn't feeling well, so she opted to skip this one, so I headed to the start line solo.  The first mile felt great and I was moving along at a good clip.  But from mile 2 on, it was one thing after another.  Starting in mile 2, I felt pain in my foot.  Of course, I didn't stop or even look at my shoes.  If I had, I would have noticed that one of my shoelaces had snapped.  No wonder my foot was killing me, I was essentially running with floppy shoes!  I must have changed my stride due to the foot pain, bec...

Why I Run in Sweaty Bands

If you've been reading this blog regularly you know that I love Walt Disney World and more specifically, running at Disney.  I've focused on the Disney piece pretty extensively, but the running piece is just as important to me.  And while I don't often profile running gear, when I do, you know it's something that I use and that I love.  One of my favorite products (and one I never run without) is my trusty Sweatyband.  Their tagline is "OMG...they don't slip!" and its soooo true!  Until I tried these, I never found any that stayed on my head, but these actually do.  This one stood up to the Pixie Dust Challenge AND a day at Disneyland  It stayed on through all of Splash and Dash 2014 Standing up to the heat and sweat of the Cedar Point Half Marathon Seriously guys, I LOVE these.  If you want to give them a try, you can find a sweatybands booth at most race expos and at their website.  You can find that here (affiliate link):...

#TBT The Inaugural Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon

I'm so excited for the runners experiencing this weekend's Star Wars Half Marathon -The Dark Side at Walt Disney World.  I was lucky enough to participate in this fun event in its inaugural year and Nicole and I had a blast with a long weekend at WDW.  This was our first Disney trip as a couple and we had so much fun!  For today's Throwback Thursday, here was our Star Wars Experience. We took an early morning flight on Friday from Rochester and arrived at Orlando International Airport around 9:30AM.  The plan was to go to the EXPO and spend the day relaxing and exploring Disney Springs. I ALWAYS make whoever is with me take Magical Express Selfies We checked into Pop Century, headed to the EXPO, where I quickly got my packet for the half marathon.  We didn't spend time browsing the expo, we wanted to head to Disney Springs!  Our first stop at Disney Springs was to Earl of Sandwich for lunch where there was an enormous line, but it moved quickly. A...

Wordless Wednesday -Wine & Dine Half Marathon

As I count down the final days of wedding planning (3 days until the ceremony!), I'm also in the initial stages of planning our Wine & Dine RunDisney Racecation Honeymoon.  Nicole and I will both be doing the Wine and Dine Challenge and I can't wait!  So, for today's Wordless Wednesday post, I'm going to share some of my favorite Wine and Dine pictures over the years.  It's hard to believe this will be my sixth year running this race! Have you ever run the Wine and Dine Half Marathon?  What's your favorite runDisney race weekend?