If you've been following my Instagram story, you know that I spent this past weekend in Rochester, NY for the Flower City Challenge Half Marathon. (And if you haven't been following me on Instagram, you should Follow me! ) This is a race that I've run before, and on any given day this course can be very challenging. I should call this recap Murphy's law. Anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong during this race. Nicole wasn't feeling well, so she opted to skip this one, so I headed to the start line solo. The first mile felt great and I was moving along at a good clip. But from mile 2 on, it was one thing after another. Starting in mile 2, I felt pain in my foot. Of course, I didn't stop or even look at my shoes. If I had, I would have noticed that one of my shoelaces had snapped. No wonder my foot was killing me, I was essentially running with floppy shoes! I must have changed my stride due to the foot pain, bec...
Inspired by runDisney's Dopey Challenge, this runner/travel planner discusses Disney, running, runDisney, and everything in-between.